Saturday, August 20, 2011

longer lashes!

Image Courtesy of pinterest

We all want longer beautiful lashes, or even to have the illusion of it. Here are few helpful techniques to get longer lashes.

Line your Eye

Image Courtesy of pinterest/
To create the illusion of longer lashes you first need to line your eyes as close to the lash line. The darker the better, this gives the illusion that there is more hair at the lash line.

more after the break.

Curl Them!
By curling your lashes you give them extra bounce and visibility, instead of them laying flat and straight. Remember to be gentle and not to tug your lashes. When you curl them you will notice that your eyes look more open and pops.We all know that is a good thing.


Thank God for mascara, this will help to further perpetuate the illusion of longer lashes. Start first at the root and work your way to the tip. Then go back and forth midway 4 or 5 times one eye then the next till you get the desired effect.

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