Monday, August 22, 2011

Stubborn Lashes!

I know we have been looking at how to get those fabulously curled lashes and even looked at refreshers on how to use an eyelash curler. That was helpful. However there are cases where one encounters stubborn lashes, you know the ones that just won't curl. Believe me I have encountered quite a few of them.  Well for those of you who have this problem here are a few helpful suggestions and tools that might work to get your lashes obedient.

Heat them Up!

On the market we have the heated eyelash curler that just like a curling iron uses heat , likewise it uses heat to get your peepers curled.

Makeup Artist Trick

A trick of the experienced artists (not for the novice) is to use a blow drier on your eyelash curler briefly and the heat will curl the lash. If you do decide to try this method, be careful not to burn yourself as it can be tricky. The best bet I think is the heated curler.

Image courtesy of pinterest

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