Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keeping it Green !


It's always great to have the knowledge of how to inject a bit of "green" into our routine. So if you are int he mood and want to know how to "keep it green" here are some great tips to get you going.

Baking soda: Mix a pinch into your face wash or soap and scrub away. It's quite gentle and leaves my skin feeling great. 
Coconut oil: Keep a container of this wonderful oil in the shower, rubbing it into your damp skin, it is like a tropical vacation, it reminds me of country Jamaica!
Essential oils: Instead of using synthetic fragrances, try using a dab of lavender oil on pulse points on your wrists. So yummy!
Sugar + olive oil: Mix together equal parts sugar and olive oil for a natural body scrub.
Tea tree oil:For a breakout and blemish just dab some tea tree oil on a cotton ball with witch hazel and zap those breakouts.
Vinegar: Use a tablespoon of vinegar to your hair then rinse it to cut through any residue and it will leave it shiny and healthy. 

Have fun keeping it green today!

Image Courtesy of pinterest

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