Wednesday, June 8, 2011


"It is our attitude at the the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else affects the outcome".      William James

I realise that I have to actively make the decision and declare that I am going to have a great day. If not, it ends up crappy. Setting the tone of the day is important, if we start miserable. Chances are we will end up miserable. Sometimes we just have to declare, even if you have to say it over and over again that,"I am going to have a great day no matter what". Say it till you believe it. We get what we expect. If you expect the negative, that is what you will get. So today let us get our levels of expectancy up and be positive that we will have a truly blessed day and if there is a storm, which at times there will be, let us try to smile through it.

Have a blessed day

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