Friday, June 10, 2011

Pleasantly Surprised !

I was up early this morning, and as usual I was surfing the net and landed on where they have Laila Ali featured as a Celebrity blogger. Laila's blog is about her journey to lose 25 lbs after giving birth 9 weeks ago. What struck me most after viewing her video blog was Laila's natural beauty, she was in sweats wearing minimal makeup and looked great and you could feel her warmth when she spoke . After viewing her video I decided to investigate further by checking out her face book page where I was pleasantly surprised to see her interacting with her fans just like your own girlfriend would, I was so impressed I really loved that which made me decide to click the "like " tab.... I know went off track so let's get back to the makeup... (smile). Ms. Ali's makeup is one that incorporates warm colors. On her cheeks, we see a sun kissed look, a kind of shimmer or highlighter is placed to draw attention  towards her eyes.A balance is created between her smokey eyes and nude lip. Loves it, do you?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I love it! I think that she will look beautiful with anything on her face.



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