Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What is a must in your Kit

If you are thinking of becoming a makeup artist and you are stating to build your kit there are some important must haves in your kit. From my experience it is always a good idea to have above and beyond because you never know what you may be called on to do. Here are two things you should have just in case.

As an artist you may come across the occasional case where a model comes in with red eyes and that is a real no no. It is always best to have your trusty Visine handy to clear the redness as you want the best pictures possible with minimal corrections in post production.

Preparation H

Yes, hemorrhoid cream, on set we won't have time to wait for cold compresses or cucumbers to reduce puffiness so we use a tried and true product that does the job in a jiffy. Just place a small dab under the eyes and watch it work.

Razors !

As a back up it is best to have a pack of disposable razors just in case you have a male model who didn't get to shave. You never know...

Look out for more kit building must haves...

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