Monday, August 8, 2011

Bigger and Better

Bigger Brows are all the rage, for one it gives you more a youthful  look that we all desire. I know some of us might have gotten crazy and have been over plucking , so here are a few tips to get our brows healthy and on track to a more youthful look.

Tip 1
Apply olive oil , it is a natural ingredient which is always a plus, and it is widely used in beauty products. Just use a tiny drop where you want the hair to grow the most and massage the oil in it with a gentle brush to stimulate growth. I would say night time application is best, so just pencil that in with your nightly skin care regimen.

More tips after the jump!

Tip 2
Another great oil that is said to even more effective is Castor oil besides thickening your lashes , it can be used to regrow them. Don't we just love the that! Apply it only to the areas that you need regrowth and watch it happen.

Tip 3
Vaseline is said to be another useful product that is used to aid in the growth and refinement of your brows. Just apply it like you would olive oil in the night with your nightly skin regimen.

Let me know if these tips work > you know me I am just as curious. Soon you will be off to having bigger brows while looking more youthful in the process.

Image courtesy of pinterest


  1. I had been using olive oil and I can attest to the benefit of using it on the skin (and hair).

    skin care review

  2. Awesome Florence,I am seeing improvements as well and I am tweeking my skin care regimen as I go along. Keep me uptodate!



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