Monday, August 8, 2011

Getting it Even!

I have been on a mission exploring alternative ways of treating the skin, to see if I would get better results while keeping it natural. Many of us suffer from discoloration >myself included, whether it is due to hyper pigmentation from the sun or spots from blemishes. Here are natural approaches you can take to lighten and even out your skin.

Lemon Juice
 The acidity found in lemons can help to maintain the PH levels of the skin. The citric acid in the lemons help to lighten your skin naturally. Start out by applying the lemon juice to your skin and let it sit for awhile and then rinse. Remember to wash off the lemon juice before going out in the sun as it can ruin your skin tone..

Oatmeal is another ingredient that is good to even out skin tone as it acts as an exfoliating agent, that breaks up the dirt and removes the dead skin cells that have built up. To get the oatmeal ready add some honey to the oatmeal and mix into a paste then apply it to your skin, leaving it there for a  few minutes before rubbing with your fingers. After this is done, rinse your face, moisturize and add sunscreen .

More natural ways to even your skin after the break.

Milk is great way to soften and lighten your skin. It works on the melanin  to lighten and diminish the appearances of dark blemishes and scars. Start out by applying the milk on your face and let it sit for a few minutes then rinse. Then proceed with your regimen of moisturizer and sunscreen. Have some milk today !

Honey is not only a moisturizer it has antibacterial properties that can reduce the size of acne  scars and blemishes. The moisture from the honey keeps the skin from getting too dry, which can damage and affect the skin negatively. So go into your cupboards and get your honey out, lather up and reap the benefits.

Hope these tips help, I will be trying them and will let you know how it works out.

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