Friday, August 12, 2011

DIY Milk Bath

I know you all must have come to the conclusion by now that I am really into natural beauty methods. I honestly am surprised by myself but I have become more aware that the less chemicals we use is better for our over all health. Cindy Crawford, former Super model now mogul in her own right has remained flawless even in her 40's and I was curious to explore some of her beauty techniques so we can all benefit.
One of Cindy's beauty secret is using milk , which she sprays on her face. The milk is combined
with water and she mists it on her face throughout the day. The lactic acid present in the milk is known to soften the skin. I am going to raid the refrigerator as we speak! This secret was a well known beauty method of the Egyptians as Cleopatra was known to take daily milk baths for her beautiful skin> I hope you are taking notes!

Making your own milk bath is quite easy, find out how after the break.

Milk Bath Recipe

 Just add some whole milk or milk powder and some honey to your bathwater. Also, try using goat's milk, as it is the only milk that contains capric-capryllic triglyceride which helps to moisturize and soften.

Have a Milky Day!!

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