Monday, September 12, 2011

Benefits of Translucent Powder

What's the best thing about transulcent powder ?

 Is its ability to work with every skin tone. Never again will you have to purchase a new powder to match your season's new skin tone. 

How should you use it?

You should always set your foundation and concealer with a setting powder to ensure longevity. It is also useful in mattifying your skin if you're a victim of oily pores. 
Pat and roll the product instead of brushing it on. This will ensure that you are setting the product, not brushing/swiping the product off. I highly recommend a powder puff to apply.

What can I do if I over did it on my makeup and needed to tone it down?
 Just take a big fluffy brush and gently buff the area until desired softness. Easy enough, right?

I made a huge mess with my shadow and it fell and it's all over my face, how do I clean it up?

 You can clean up the mess under your eyes by grabbing a smaller fluffy brush and blending away the mess with some of your loose translucent powder. Blend, blend, BLEND until the product is gone. It shouldn't take too long.

How can I prevent future eye shadow fallout?
Before applying your shadows, apply a veil of powder under your eyes, by patting the powder which acts as a blanket to catch any fall out you might have from your eye shadow application.

I hope these tips help and from them you see the importance of using your powder. Useful isn't it?

Image Courtesy of  pinterest


  1. heeeeeeeeeeeeeell yeah! 1st comment--ohwait, this doesnt matter, no ones gonna see this.

  2. you were wrong I saw it lol!! anyway can i use translucent powder by itself without foudation?



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