Friday, June 10, 2011

Can You ?

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad." Denis Waitley

They say belief kills and belief cures.For me that is so true. Last weekend as I sat watching the men's French Open finals I took note of the winner, Rafa Nadal and his interview with John McEnroe. Nadal was asked by McEnroe about the frustration he felt when he wasn't playing at his best during the10 days prior to the French Open, if he Nadal doubted himself. Nadal's response caught my attention, he told McEnroe that he did have his doubts but he tried to be positive, practicing with an open mind trying to find solutions.
Nadal could have chosen to let his doubts cause him to lose focus but instead he chose a different approach which was to remain positive even in the face of frustration.

Winning is just like believing, it starts in the mind. If you start out embracing the doubts and allow it to consume you, it's crippling effect will produce a negative outcome. So turn on that switch and believe. This is not to say that we will not be faced with doubts. Rafa Nadal's approach was to practice and get better at his game and to work through difficult seasons of  with the hope that he would find a solution.Likewise, we too have to practice at improving our "game" and to believe even when doubts are staring you in the face.
A positive mind equals positive results."
Have a Blessed day.

Check out this video

"You are More", by Tenth Avenue North

Remember you have been remade.

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