Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hot Weather Essentials!

Here are just a few hot weather essentials for the hot Summer days when you are out and about. After applying your sunscreen, if you are wearing foundation, use a primer for longevity as the primer helps with makeup melt down. Remember to keep your lips moisturized as it is exposed. Carmex lip balm has SPF protection and is great before applying your lip stain. A lip stain is great in hot weather as no one wants to contend with too much gloss when the weather is hot. So with a lip stain you get  color without the gloss.

More about hot weather essentials after the break.

I recommend during the Summer months wearing a powder blush as it adheres to the skin better  unlike its' cream counterpart that will melt right off. Let's not forget our trusty blotting powder which is great for removing excess oil. You must be wondering why I added sunglasses to the list. Wearing sunglasses is more than a fashion statement as it  protects your eyes from the glare that causes you to squint and gives you wrinkles - which we don't want! So back those shades out and wear them. Last but not least remember to drink your water, hydration is important to keep your skin clear as it helps to release impurities.

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