Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lighten UP!

An undeniable trend this season is the lightened brows. By having your brows a shade or two lighter it helps to draw attention to the eyes. It helps to soften your features, just as long as you take into account your hair and skin tone. Some of us would not go so far as to drastically lighten our brows , but that doesn't say we can't experiment and have some fun. As a general rule the color of your eyebrows should be slightly darker than your hair.

Find out the different ways you can adjust your brow color!

Temporary method

You can play around with your color safely by using an eye brow pencil, this way you can have all the fun without the commitment.

Permanent Method.

Using hydrogen peroxide to bleach your brows is recommended for home use, just be careful when applying it to your brows as it can cause eye irritations. Also another option is using a facial bleach cream.

Here are the steps 

1. Start out with clean brows with no impurities or left over makeup, have a Q tip along with a warm cup of water and a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

2. Mix the hydrogen peroxide with the water and then you begin to apply the mixture with your Q tip. get your timer out and allow the mixture to sit for 10 -15 minutes. 

For facial bleach if you choose to go that route, leave it on for a minute as it works faster than the hydrogen peroxide.

Image Courtesy of pinterest

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