Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Should they Match?

For the most part, your blush and lipstick does not have to exactly m but they should really kept in the same family of colors so the makeup flows and looks cohesive. According to The Complete Beauty Bible , you can choose to go with a neutral color for your blush, a soft golden brown a sort of tan color goes with most skin tones.

Find out what else is recommended after the break

The Complete Beauty Bible tips.

  1.  Your lipstick choice should match the underlying tone of your blush.
  2. Rose blush , means rose lipstick
  3. Do not wear pink blush and coral lipstick.
  4. Blush does not need to match your clothing, shoes or any accessories.
I guess just always bear in mind to keep it all in the family and you can't go wrong
Source: The Complete Beauty Guide by Paula Begoun pg 244


Image Courtesy of pinterest

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