Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What Shape R U?

It is to our advantage to be knowledgeable about our facial features, especially to know what shape face we have. It will clue us in as to what we want to accentuate on our face and what we desire to de-emphasize. Like selecting a pair of sunglasses, each frame is designed with a particular shape in mind in the same way we apply makeup based off shape. That being said let's take a look at some shapes and how to use our blush to accentuate our face.


If you have determined that you have a round face, for blush application it is best to apply it at a 45 degree angle or in layman's terms follow your cheek bone. This will help to give the face definition.

Having a square shaped face means that you have a very strong jawline. To soften your jawline put the blush on in a circular motion focusing on the apples of your cheeks.

More on shapes after the break..


 For a long face,myself included, to balance out  your face apply your blush horizontally, remembering to keep it wide so it doesn't look like war paint.

Apply the blush to the lower part of the apple of your cheeks. 

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