Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beauty Confidential - Amber Rose!

Amber Rose
You might have your opinions which I am sure are worthy but you can't deny that Amber Rose is gorgeous. Amber sports a flawless canvas which makes a basic makeup application look spectacular, this due to of her clear skin. Amber recently spilled her beauty secrets to Elle Magazine and I was surprised  to discover that she uses a similar beauty product as another known superstar.

When about her beauty regimen this was Amber's response..
Thank you so much! I’ve always been good about moisturizing. Every morning and every night, everyday. What I do, and this sounds kind of weird, but I buy these pint-size containers of raw African shea butter from street vendors, I microwave it, and after I shower, I rub it everywhere. Even on my scalp and face. Nothing works better. And it’s cheap!

Amber also revealed her favorite spot treatment was neosporin and for cleanser she keeps it simple by using Dove soap .
 So I have to really look into the Africa shea butter to see if it really works and I will be breaking out my neosporin to heal my blemishes.

Image Courtesy of pinterest

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