Thursday, September 8, 2011

Preserving your "DO" while Making Up!

We are all faced with times when we just got our hair done and we have to apply our makeup as the icing on the cake. However we might have the dilemma of keeping our hair out of the way. We don't necessarily want to put it in a pony tail and we don't want to mess it up. So here are some tips that are used backstage to keep our "Do's" from messing up!

To take your hair from your face take a duck clip along with a folded paper napkin, place the napkin in between the hair and the clip. By placing the napkin on top of the hair it acts as a protective barrier preventing the hair from being marked by the clip.

More great hair preserving ideas after the break.
Another great way of keeping your hair fresh and your curls intact before you step out the door is to do pin curls. This helps to keep your hair out of the way while you are doing your makeup and also it allows you to leave your hair last as the grand finale to your look.

Check out this great video on how to pin curl. Loves it!

Image Courtesy of pinterest

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