Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pore Strips Made Easy!

The Ingredients
  • 1 tbsp unflavored gelatin (Knox unflavored gelatin)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp milk

  1. Mix ingredients in microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 10 seconds until warm.
  2. Apply to your nose, chin,cheeks or forehead, wherever you need it. Use a cotton ball or makeup brush if you so desire.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes till mixture dries. You will know when it is dry because it will be hard to the touch. 
  4. Start peeling the edges of the strip slowly working your way to the center of the strip.
  5. After removal wash your face of remaining gelatin and proceed to moisturize. Please note your skin might be a tad red if you have sensitive skin. Use ice packs to reduce redness .
Peel, peel away! I will be trying this out . Let me know how it works for you!

Image Courtesy of pinterest

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