Friday, September 9, 2011

How to wear your RED Lip!

This season it is all about how you wear your bold lip colors. Red lips will be everywhere this Fall and so we all need to be prepared to take them on, one lip at a time. Don't you agree? In order to be ready let's go over some tips that will be helpful as we are embark on our bold lip adventure.

Tip 1 - Take cues from your face.

  1. The paler the skin the , the bigger the pop.
  2. Go light on the eyes, take it easy with the blush ( you don't want competition)
Tip 2 - Line inside your lips
  1. Red lipstick has a tendency to bleed, so fill in lips with a liner first this helps to keep your color in check.
Tip 3 - Pick the right color
  1. If your complexion is pink with cool undertones, you will look better in plum shades.
  2. Girls with yellow undertones look great in warmer reds that have a brown base.
Tip 4 - Experiment with blending
  1. If you happen to purchase a shade that is either too bright or dark, don't throw it out, try blending shades from your other lip colors to get it to the right look.
Tip 5 - Go lighter is you are older
  1. As we age our lips get thinner, so if you have thin lips it is best to keep away from darker lipsticks as this will only enhance the thinness.  Try a Rosy red or avoid red all together wearing a neutral shade and opting to play up your eyes.

Image Courtesy of pinterest

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