Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Under the Sea
This magazine spread was done for the February Issue of Miami Monthly magazine. It depicts a love story which we see illustrated with the use of romantic dress selection. This picture was taken by Mina Cassandra Kuhn who specializes in underwater photography.
After the jump more pics
Monday, May 30, 2011
Special Feature
India Arie
I have always admired India Arie's natural beauty, she is a woman who demonstrates inner confidence which is reflected in the message of her music . India takes a clean beauty approach to her look which fits in with her music and what it represents. What we wear and how we look reflects our mood believe it or not. It is a reflective mirror of what's happening on the inside of us.
Check out Ms Arie's Music after the jump.
I have always admired India Arie's natural beauty, she is a woman who demonstrates inner confidence which is reflected in the message of her music . India takes a clean beauty approach to her look which fits in with her music and what it represents. What we wear and how we look reflects our mood believe it or not. It is a reflective mirror of what's happening on the inside of us.
Check out Ms Arie's Music after the jump.
Looky Loo
I have always found from experience that the more prepared you are before a photoshoot the better your outcome will be. First things first, when you are approached to work on a project always request to see the models who you will be working with for the day.This cuts down on the surprise factor and it will allow you to work at a more quicker pace because you have the image in mind of what look you are trying to achieve.
The model pictured here had beautiful oval features and so we decided to focus on her eyes. Her brows had to be redrawn to set the framework for her face.
Flash Back
Looking back at snippets of my days at Joe Blasco in Orlando. I remember my first day I didn't know anyone and I was excited about the curriculum that was for 3 intensive months 9-5pm everyday. In the mornings we had lectures from our teachers and guest artists and then we went to practicals. The first part of the program was beauty and the 2nd was Special effects. I really learnt the craft and sometimes when you you are in the moment you don't realise how much you are taking in until you have left. It was truly a wonderful experience.
This was my first week and we were taught the value of presentation. It was a requirement to wear our smocks at all times, those were the good old days.
We were always goofing around, I never missed a day because when you missed a day you missed a ton. Tweet
This was my first week and we were taught the value of presentation. It was a requirement to wear our smocks at all times, those were the good old days.
We were always goofing around, I never missed a day because when you missed a day you missed a ton. Tweet
School Daze
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Personal stuff
Hope you had fun taking a peek inside my personal kit more to come as we explore underwater makeup.. Tweet
In my Kit
We all Need One!
A Mentor is someone we look to for guidance and direction. They help you grow as an individual whether it be on a personal or professional level. I don't think you necessarily have to go outright and say to the person you are my mentor, it can be someone you admire and want to emulate and so you study what makes them be successful. When I reflect back at my experience I realise I was in some way being mentored .
I woke up this morning and my mind was on Media Mix, I had the pleasure of working on Royal Palm Estate for a couple of years. It was God's design for me to get that job as I had no connections. I really was just filling in for a few days. A few days turned into seasons on the set in Kingston and in Ocho Rios.

That picture was taken on the Royal Palm shoot in the country it was one of those rare moments where we snuck in a one minute break before we heard the director scream TALENT!!!!!!!!!!
I woke up this morning and my mind was on Media Mix, I had the pleasure of working on Royal Palm Estate for a couple of years. It was God's design for me to get that job as I had no connections. I really was just filling in for a few days. A few days turned into seasons on the set in Kingston and in Ocho Rios.

That picture was taken on the Royal Palm shoot in the country it was one of those rare moments where we snuck in a one minute break before we heard the director scream TALENT!!!!!!!!!!
More after the jump
Hottt !!
Brandi Alexis's look was clearly what we call a beauty shot, the photographer Brouj decided to give the image a blown out effect. I decided to use earthy warm tones to pick up the undertones in her skin. Minimal makeup was used as foundation was applied to even out her skin tone.
More pics of Brandi after the jump
More pics of Brandi after the jump
Why so Many?
Have you ever wondered why we are always building our brush collections. When you are working on major productions doing makeup on 13 or 14 girls you definitely need a variety of brushes, because you have limited time to clean them and for hygienic purposes it limits bacteria. This is where more is better than less.
On that day I had around 13 or 14 girls so I had be ready for any and everything.
These are some of my brushes. It's always good to have more than enough foundation brushes but eventually you will be forced to use a sponge if you get bombarded. You can never have enough of lip brushes.
After the Jump see Kevin Little's video shoot
On that day I had around 13 or 14 girls so I had be ready for any and everything.
These are some of my brushes. It's always good to have more than enough foundation brushes but eventually you will be forced to use a sponge if you get bombarded. You can never have enough of lip brushes.
After the Jump see Kevin Little's video shoot
My Work
Friday, May 27, 2011
What to Expect
When you are working on a crazy and hectic set, you have makeup all over the place and girls everywhere trying to get ready. It can be mayhem, but in a fun and exciting way. I always have a great time working with my partner in crime Candie Cane as I call her, by the way she hates that name. We work well together, while Candie works her magic on the hair I am doing the makeup simultaneously on the model just to get it done as quickly as possible. That takes team effort.
Check out my girl Candie, I was the behind the scenes paparazzi.
What a mess, see the gatorade bottle peaking out. lol. Got to stay hydrated.
This particular set was at the Mansion Club in Miami , we were working on Craig David's new video.
pics after the jump
Check out my girl Candie, I was the behind the scenes paparazzi.
What a mess, see the gatorade bottle peaking out. lol. Got to stay hydrated.
This particular set was at the Mansion Club in Miami , we were working on Craig David's new video.
pics after the jump
My Work
Bronze Beauty
Believe it or not this picture was taken in my garage. It was a great day and when I met Skylar she reminded me of Eva from America's Next Top Model and I was inspired to give her a natural look that would highlight her beautiful features. Notice where the light hits her face, at those points I placed Ben Nye's fire wheel in bronze so that the areas will pop. For Skylar's foundation I have found Ben Nye's products are excellent but you have to mix and blend. A clean and clear skin also helps I can tell you that much.
See the products I used on Skylar after the jump.
See the products I used on Skylar after the jump.
My Work
Just a Peek
Last night I pulled out some of my tools that I use on set. This is only a quarter of my tools, as in addition to my regular makeup I have my special effects kit. Yes, you are correct I do the blood and guts thing. I will get into that a little later. For now see some of my essentials...
check out what's inside..
check out what's inside..
In my Kit
Behind the Scenes
What does it take to make a production happen? It doesn't just appear and come together out of thin air, there are many people who work behind the scenes just to make it happen. Let's take a look at the team that work to put it together. Check out my day on the set, behind the scenes with Jamaican Digicel rising Star Christopher Martin while we worked on his video "Take my Wings'.
Yes, I get to do all the rubbing down "Such hard work". I have to prep the talent for the shot I believe he was one of the slaves on the plantation.
Check out more after the jump..
Yes, I get to do all the rubbing down "Such hard work". I have to prep the talent for the shot I believe he was one of the slaves on the plantation.
Check out more after the jump..
My Work
Being Creative
I love to add something unique when I am designing a makeup look. In this picture with Laura I decided to utilize some wire I had from the craft store and I decided to create head piece. Believe me I had some sort of vision in mind and as I began to twist and shape the wire it all came together. I guess its similar to our life and our daily journey as everyday it takes shape and eventually forms into something significant.
For Laura, I decided to soften her features and so I applied warm colors with the focus being on the eyes. In the next image we went a bit more dramatic.. check it out
For Laura, I decided to soften her features and so I applied warm colors with the focus being on the eyes. In the next image we went a bit more dramatic.. check it out
Thursday, May 26, 2011
My Passion
I remember working on Damaris the model pictured here, little did I know I was doing makeup on the future Miss Miami. The day I was on this shoot I was determined that I had to get her hair right as pictures show everything. I for one was not strong in hair so I had previously went on You Tube and viewed techniques. Sometimes I shy away from my weaknesses but I realise to be a well rounded makeup artist I have to be able to hold my own in the hair department. It was a good first run and it eertainly helped to build my confidence.
I remember working on Damaris the model pictured here, little did I know I was doing makeup on the future Miss Miami. The day I was on this shoot I was determined that I had to get her hair right as pictures show everything. I for one was not strong in hair so I had previously went on You Tube and viewed techniques. Sometimes I shy away from my weaknesses but I realise to be a well rounded makeup artist I have to be able to hold my own in the hair department. It was a good first run and it eertainly helped to build my confidence.
According To..
Kevin Aucoin
Beauty is about perception not about makeup. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on makeup, or dress yourself, or do your hair with any sort of fun or joy if you are doing it from a position of correction.
Beauty is about perception not about makeup. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't put on makeup, or dress yourself, or do your hair with any sort of fun or joy if you are doing it from a position of correction.
Kevin Aucoin
Are you liking yourself today?
The Queen
Queen Latifah
copyright: Michael Thompson
Queen Latifah is certainly a lady of many talents she has broken the mold of stereotypical beauty which has helped to open the doors for women of color. Truly a Cover Girl, she has beautiful skin and keeps it natural. After the break see more pics of The Queen, Ms. Dana Owens.
They Do it 2
Yes men wear makeup especially when you are on a movie or music video production.
That was my first day on the set of the soon to be released film "Heart Of Summer" shot in Florida. Some would argue that it is not necessary for men to wear makeup. However, when you are being filmed by a HD (High Definition) camera it shows everything and I mean everything. As the makeup artist on set, after applying the necessary coverage you have to be watching from the director's spot to see whether the "Talent" (as actors are called) are not shining . This calls for you to be alert and on your game so as not to hold up production because on a set time is money. Makeup helps to add definition to the male character's face which sometimes call for contouring for a stronger effect .
For more on this check out a great tutorial on contouring after the jump.
For more on this check out a great tutorial on contouring after the jump.
Chiaro... Whattt?
In art is characterized by the use of strong contrasts of light and dark. Believe it or not some of us use this art form daily. In makeup lingo we contour or fab faces, using makeup to create definition to give the illusion of higher cheekbones, a more distinct nose or a more pronounced jaw line.
In art is characterized by the use of strong contrasts of light and dark. Believe it or not some of us use this art form daily. In makeup lingo we contour or fab faces, using makeup to create definition to give the illusion of higher cheekbones, a more distinct nose or a more pronounced jaw line.
Plastic Much!
Photography By Susan C.
What does your makeup say about you? We are to wear makeup it is not to wear us. If the first thing people see when they look at you is your makeup then maybe you might be wearing a bit too much. Is it enhancing you or is it overpowering you? Tweet
Makeup Tips
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What's in It?
La Femme Blush Palette
This palette is versatile as it covers a cross section of skin tones from cool to warm. It really does the trick. Tweet
This palette is versatile as it covers a cross section of skin tones from cool to warm. It really does the trick. Tweet
In my Kit
It's True

It's often said," when you find something you love you never have to work another day in your life". These words hit home to me today that I wasn't doing something that I loved. Listening to the melodic sounds of Etana has been keeping me positive that what I love will one day release me to be FREE !
Have you found something you love? Tweet
Brow Powerrr !!
Or should I say Brow Powder LOL.
Check out the Diva "Jackie O" in her informative You Tube tutorial.
Does it get a nod? Tweet
Check out the Diva "Jackie O" in her informative You Tube tutorial.
Does it get a nod? Tweet
How To ??
Natural Beauty
ETANA "The Strong One"
Etana's music gives me goose bumps. Her music reveals her inner beauty and her awareness about social issues that people encounter. It's her Conscious lyrics that forces you to think and gets my undivided attention.
Continue to Shine Strong one.
Etana's music gives me goose bumps. Her music reveals her inner beauty and her awareness about social issues that people encounter. It's her Conscious lyrics that forces you to think and gets my undivided attention.
Continue to Shine Strong one.
Have you?
Cleaned your brushes today> If not get cracking, let us get in the habit of cleaning our brushes. We don't want those breakouts do we? Tweet
Cleaned your brushes today> If not get cracking, let us get in the habit of cleaning our brushes. We don't want those breakouts do we? Tweet
Makeup Tips
How To??
A good resource for learning about Makeup is YouTube. Just plug it and there you have it, the what, the where the how. If you are a visual learner it is the place to go the one stop shop to find new tricks of the trade.
Check out Bebexo's YouTube Tutorial on lash application.
A good resource for learning about Makeup is YouTube. Just plug it and there you have it, the what, the where the how. If you are a visual learner it is the place to go the one stop shop to find new tricks of the trade.
Check out Bebexo's YouTube Tutorial on lash application.
How To ??
A Girl's Best Friend
I absolutely love lashes, when I wear them I automatically see a difference. Falsies (as they are otherwise called ) draw attention to your eyes. Have you tried some lately? They come in strip and individuals. After experimenting I decided that individuals for me were more my speed as I like a more natural look. However if you want the dramatic effect wear the strip and go Wild as they come in many forms and thickness. If you are curious about Lashes try it out. Nothing tried nothing done at least you tried it once. Lashes are like a great pair of shoes that complete your look.
Try them on today.
Twiggy 1960's
Try them on today.
Celeb Feature
Loving Paula Patton's understated elegance.
More pics of the Jumping the Broom star..
Loving Paula Patton's understated elegance.
More pics of the Jumping the Broom star..
Clean is in !
Nothing beats a Clean beauty makeup Look, fresh like a Summer breeze, well it all depends on where you live. lol.
Note to Self
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.Dream. Discover"-- MARK TWAIN
Right now I am taking hold of my dreams and reminding myself daily when I can't see how it will happen that God can dream a bigger dream and have a bigger vision than I ever could imagine. So make that decision today and dare to believe, take that step of faith and watch Him make it happen. Tweet
Right now I am taking hold of my dreams and reminding myself daily when I can't see how it will happen that God can dream a bigger dream and have a bigger vision than I ever could imagine. So make that decision today and dare to believe, take that step of faith and watch Him make it happen. Tweet
According to..
" Makeup is a Personality, you never tell someone what they should do to themselves to feel beautiful. That is like telling IMAN a Smokey Eye isn't good Today. a Smokey Eye is always good Today".
" Makeup is a Personality, you never tell someone what they should do to themselves to feel beautiful. That is like telling IMAN a Smokey Eye isn't good Today. a Smokey Eye is always good Today".
- Makeup is an illusion. Foundation isn't to mask the skin, it's to even your skin tone.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I Remember When..
I remember when I got my first job it was to do makeup for a bridal party. I was extremely nervous, I didn't want to mess up. To build my confidence I decided I needed to practice and so I enlisted my trusted friend and it wasn't a female. Even though he hated it he allowed me to practice on his face because he wanted me to succeed and to build my confidence and surely it did. As the saying goes " a good friend is better than pocket money".
Can you relate? Tweet
From my Kit to Yours
Today we are venturing out to explore the wonderful world of the makeup that's used by The Miss World Pageant.
Drum roll please is KRYOLAN Shimmering Vision.
It retails for around $52.00 and is creme based. Kryolan is definitly one of my go to products... Love..
It's best to seal it with powder after it is applied. Tweet
Drum roll please is KRYOLAN Shimmering Vision.
It retails for around $52.00 and is creme based. Kryolan is definitly one of my go to products... Love..
It's best to seal it with powder after it is applied. Tweet
In my Kit
Watch Out World!
Tessanne's music can be described as soulful and eclectic, a fusion of rock and reggae. She is making her mark on the music scene with her increasing following.Keep your Eyes on her. Not only does Tessanne have a unique sound, she has style and demonstrates this in her visual presentation. Tessanne is clearly not afraid of color and we love it !!
Check out more pics and her tunes.
Tessanne's music can be described as soulful and eclectic, a fusion of rock and reggae. She is making her mark on the music scene with her increasing following.Keep your Eyes on her. Not only does Tessanne have a unique sound, she has style and demonstrates this in her visual presentation. Tessanne is clearly not afraid of color and we love it !!
Check out more pics and her tunes.
A Thought.
To get over your fear of applying makeup on another person, start out by practicing on yourself. I know first hand how nerve wracking it is , so try it on yourself , you are the best person to work on. Tweet
Makeup Tips
My first book.
If you are ready to dive into enhancing your beauty routine, "Bobbi Brown Beauty" is a great foundation that teaches about what colours are great for eyes, cheeks and lips. I found it as a great tool when I was curious about makeup. Read on and see, give me your feedback.
Caribbean beauty
Jamaican Supermodel Makes Vogue Italia Cover
Jeniel Williams made the Caribbean proud when she captured the Vogue cover. CONGRATS!! Tweet
Jeniel Williams made the Caribbean proud when she captured the Vogue cover. CONGRATS!! Tweet
Indian Beauty
The beauty of every culture is to be celebrated.... The jewelery , the beautiful red Sari and head dress.
Celeb Feature Looks.
Rihanna just finished shooting her Man Down Video in Beautiful Jamaica. Rihanna's style is always evolving. Let's take a page out of her Fierce manual.
Lesson 1. Don't fear change, try something new today as we make faces. Embrace it. Thoughts on this?
Check out her style over the years...
Lesson 1. Don't fear change, try something new today as we make faces. Embrace it. Thoughts on this?
Check out her style over the years...
Note to Self
"No-one knows what he can do until he tries."
As we go about our day let us remember the people of Joplin Missouri who were affected by the Tornado and have been displaced. Tweet
As we go about our day let us remember the people of Joplin Missouri who were affected by the Tornado and have been displaced. Tweet
Monday, May 23, 2011
From my Kit to Yours
Makeup Find ^^^ Ben Nye Lumiere Eyeshadows. Ben Nye Cosmetics has earned their reputation by producing high quality and competitively priced cosmetics. Lumiere's are a staple in my kit and is truly value for money.
Makeup finds
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